Soporte para tiendas virtuales

What is support for virtual stores?

If you’ve come across this post, you might be wondering: What does support for virtual stores entail?

It encompasses many tasks of different types and complexities.

A common example is the installation and configuration of modules, which can be complex for those not in the IT industry, such as payment or shipping modules, or modules that connect to external applications.

Additionally, we can include aesthetic adjustments, such as changes to colors, font sizes, banners, or any design-related ideas.

Within aesthetic adjustments, we can also incorporate the necessary modifications to make the store responsive.

Of course, another common task could be resolving bugs or errors that may occur due to various types of incompatibilities, for example, with modules that work up to a certain version.

I could continue mentioning much more, such as SEO optimization, performance improvements, security implementations, and version upgrades.

Version upgrades are often one of the most complex tasks because to carry them out correctly, it is necessary to create backups and take all necessary steps to ensure that the store continues to function after updating.

Lastly, we highlight connections to external services, mainly with Meta and Google, which are highly complex as they involve synchronization with their APIs so that the store has certain functionality inherent to these services, such as social login.

Support for Virtual Stores

At Aziende Global, we specialize in technical support for virtual stores, particularly for PrestaShop. You can visit our website for more information:


Ceo de Aziende Global, Ingeniero en Sistemas, Programador Web, Programador Laravel, Programador Prestashop, Programador Wordpress, Desarrollador Full Stack


  1. […] Existen varios servicios disponibles de Facebook para Prestashop, para utilizar dentro de la tienda virtual. […]

  2. […] ello, es importante hacer el backup correspondiente de archivos y de base de […]

  3. […] There are several Facebook services for PrestaShop to use within the virtual store. […]

  4. […] this functionality is not available by default and requires an additional module or certain technical knowledge to add them via […]

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